Our Capabilities

North Star Trenchless, LLC has the ability to provide turn-key operations for all your trenchless needs. Whether it is shaft excavation/shoring installation or using trenchless methods to install pipe, you can rely on our experienced team to get it done safely and efficiently.
We offer the following services:
· Shaft Construction
o Trench Shields
o Slide Rail Shoring Systems
o Beam and Plate Shoring
o Liner Plate/Wood Lagging & Steel Ring Beam Round Shafts
o Tight Sheeting with Internal Bracing
· Trenchless Installation
o Auger Boring (Guided and Un-Guided, Dirt and Rock)
o Pilot Tube Installation (Dirt and Rock)
o Pipe Ramming
o Pipe Jacking (Steel, RCP, Hobas)
o Tunneling (TBM, EPBM)
o Microtunneling
o Culvert Slip-Lining
o Hand Mining (Dirt and Rock)
· Annular Fill
o Sand
o Cellular Grout
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